Wednesday, 26 May 2010

The year ahead

Even though results on the PSA tour haven’t been even close to what I wanted, I feel there has been constant improvement in my game this year. I have been working on the flaws that were brought forward at the World Teams Championships in September last year. The improvement has also been a result of continuous hard and effective work even at times of adversity. I have taken a lot of confidence and learnt in abundance.

Practice and training needs to be converted into results and I know that even one good match can turn things around or change the shape of a career. It has happened to me many times at different stages of my life and I believe in it. I have carefully planned the whole year to give myself a decent number of challenges and to help me achieve my goals. These mostly revolve around international PSA events at a variety of levels.

I plan to play in the smaller sized Toulouse international in France from 16-19 June. In preparation for the event I will be playing a small international event in Italy the weekend before which should give me some good mach practice. After Toulouse, it will be back to training before heading out to Malaysia for the much bigger Malaysian Open in July. On the way there I will be stopping in the UK for a week for training. After the Malaysian event I will be returning to NZ – which I look forward to. My next PSA event will be the Australian Open in August which is now back on the calendar as one of the biggest events. After fulfilling my commitments in the southern hemisphere I plan to return to Europe for next season and give it my best for the last few months of the year.

It is an exciting time for me as I plan this knowing that I will be better and more experienced than ever before. I look forward to these events and sharing the experiences with you.

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