Friday, 7 October 2011

Disaster strikes again

It was a perfect lunge and an equally good counter drop but the end result was an unexpected disaster. In a similar incident to last October, slipping on sweat in the third game tie break of my first match in Valencia, I have torn my left hamstring. I have pulled out of the Santiago Open and all league commitments to rest the injury and focus on rehab with hope of getting better in time for the World Open at the end of the month. Patience and mental strength reserves will be tested to get through this disaster.

On the other hand, it was good to see the tournament in Valencia was very well organised. The hotel and squash courts were in the same building, the locals were friendly, the crowd was excellent and they even had live streaming. Unfortunately, I didn't stay long to enjoy the atmosphere and rushed back to holland to focus on recovery. Congratulations to Alex Garbi and his team for a well done event.

Sport Afterlife

Life after being a a squash professional seemed uncertain. Who am I, if not an athlete? What are my skills? What would I do for a liv...